Browse Month: September 2024

Balanced Diet

Balanced Diet


“We can’t control what goes on outside, but you CAN control what goes on inside.” Eat a Balanced Diet.

We need to eat a balanced diet to live a quality life. Our lifestyle plays a crucial role in keeping us healthy because Inadequate sleep, poor nutritious food, inactivity, drinking less water lead to an unhealthy lifestyle. 

A balanced diet enables us to get all the required nutrients without exceeding the recommended calories intake per day. It helps in body growth and proper functioning of the body organs.

A balanced diet protects us against infections, fatigue, diseases like cancer, diabetes, heart attacks, obesity. So what is a healthy plate? Which food should we eat? So a diet consists of several food groups that provide all the required nutrients in adequate amounts is a healthy plate. Because the healthy diet we eat plays a crucial role in physical and mental health.

A balanced diet includes

  • Fruits and vegetables provide vitamins, minerals, and fiber.

Vitamins and minerals keep our metabolism and organs running effectively.

  • Protein is needed for the growth and repair of the body.

Protein-rich foods are meat, poultry, eggs, seafood, pulses, pasta, potatoes, soy products, and nuts.

  • Carbohydrates OR energy-giving nutrients keep the brain. Muscles and other organs are energetic.

Rice, whole wheat, Pulses, Cereals, nuts,

  • Dairy products that are rich in Calcium, vitamin D

Milk, Yogurt, Cheese

  • Fiber helps in lowering cholesterol and glucose levels, makes bowel movement smooth.

Cereals, fruits, and vegetables

  • Vitamins and minerals are good for bones, aid in wounds healing, and also raise the body’s immunity.

Citrus fruits, green leafy vegetables

  • Good Fats are called unsaturated fats, which are necessary for energy and cell health.

Different Vegetable oils, seeds, nuts

But avoid saturated fats, which increase the amount of cholesterol in the blood and increase the risk of heart diseases.

  • Water

It helps in the digestion of the food and gets rid of the waste.

Wellness Therapy

wellness therapy

Wellness Therapy

It is health that is the real wealth and not pieces of gold and silver.” it is Wellness therapy.

Parents take care of our wellness until we reach adolescence, the age of knowing what is good and what is wrong from birth. But as we get older, we need to take care of our wellness.

Wellness starts from our thinking, behavior, and habits, not from the Gym.

Wellness therapy is a natural way of healing a person’s physical, mental, and emotional health.

The MANTRA of quality life

· Good Mental Health

· Positive attitude

Allows you to visualize and expect good things in life.

· Healthy food habits

Supports in mental, physical, emotional health

· Daily exercise.

It gives physical fitness and maintains overall health.

· Socializing with people

Good for body and mind.

Mental health keeps our minds healthy. A person should keep both his body and mind fit and healthy.

Mental wellness and physical wellness depend on each other and are equally crucial for the quality of life.

Not only these, but the food we eat also plays a crucial role in our health and our thinking and behavior. So Healthy Diet Plays a vital role in overall health.